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wanderlust 2017-8-12 11:54
anastasia-lock 2017-8-11 08:22
Cyan 2017-8-10 16:57
Solariopa: EY, CAYAN <3
HappyDerp 2017-8-9 12:15
Be.. My
.... GUESS
Jasper 2017-8-7 11:03
Solariopa: THIS PAGE. Mine's like all yellow and yours is all purple. Also, welcome back, but I know you don't know me much xc
THANK U ♥♥ we can def hangout sometime c; your page is also amazing
RubySugarGlow 2017-8-7 01:18
Hai had so much fun with you at the Friendhsip festival!
Nora 2017-8-6 15:18
Solariopa: Thankees <3
What can I say except you're welcome?
Nora 2017-8-5 19:52
Nice page!
ND1103 2017-8-5 19:12
Your page is beautiful! I love it
Rulgoma♥ 2017-8-5 12:16
Solariopa: Beautiful aesthetic on your page.
Thank you!
TinkeeBell 2017-8-2 11:37
YES I LOVE LINDSEY STIRLING + your description also describes me
toadstoolivy 2017-8-1 11:49
This page is super pretty, with the golden lights :)
Cookies 2017-7-30 22:41
I loveeee Lindsey Stirling! She's amaze <3
TinkeeBell 2017-7-30 21:04
Solariopa: I love the city aesthetic on your page. :)
Thanks! :]
Fuffeedoo1 2017-7-30 12:21
Love your page! I'm a light talent too!
rilakkuma 2017-7-29 18:55
Solariopa: I died when I saw the dog below. Cute!
lol thanks
Pumpkin 2017-7-29 11:48
Solariopa: Your page is amazing!
Thank you
HappyDerp 2017-7-29 09:57
Solariopa: Pretty color scheme! I'm dancing to the music, too.
I just love nightcore and PTX too much c;
WingsFlying 2017-7-29 09:50
Solariopa: When I first met you, I was all like, &quot;Why are you only using speedchat?&quot; I guess that's your quirk. My tabs just closed while we met, so th ...
"My tabs just closed while we met, so that's why I disappeared. Nice to meet you, Donner!"

No problem.  :]

"When I first met you, I was all like, Why are you only using speedchat?"

I'm helping Iridessa raise troop spirit!
No. :P  
Mysteries are just so...mysterious!

"I guess that's your quirk."

Ha ha!  Yes.  I think so. :D

"Do you want to be friends?"
Sure!  Friends.  I look forward to flying with you!
HappyDerp 2017-7-29 08:43
Solariopa: It's very bright. :D
Reminds me of happiness ;-D

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