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  • Now I got 100 subscribers! I wish I had a gift for y'all but I don't. :( I had to delay one of my videos due to a sore throat but I'm back on track now! Reply
  • WHAT I GOT 90 SUBSCRIBERS?????? Just wow. Thank you! Reply
  • I already have my plan on fall event blog posts!!!!!   Reply
  • I'm taking a break from youtube video and story posting for a few weeks. I do this periodically. I'll post again before the end of August. Reply
  • Forgive me if part 2 of my Spirit Prep story isn't the best. The reason why I wrote Spirit Prep is to learn and develop my writing. For part three, I'll rewrite more. I may or may not rewrite part 2 Reply
  • I'm SOOOOOO sorry that my recent video wasn't my best. Life has been very, very stressful recently.    I hope you understand and I'll try to improve the quality of my videos. Reply
  • I'm done with my video break and I'm making a music video that you're gonna LOVE!!!!!!!          Reply
  • I'm taking a break from starting new video projects until the 16th of April because I do that during Mercury retrograde (and I'm busy with track). But I'll post the second part of Spirit Prep! Reply
  • I put the first chapter of the second part of the first Spirit Prep book on my computer and I'll likely post it on my userpage as a blog on the 31st! This chapter is one of my faves in the book rn! Reply
  • Good news!  I've finally completed two videos! I'll post one today and the other tomorrow. Reply
  • I added a new look to my channel (changed my avatar and channel art). Should I give this userpage a new look or keep it as is? If you have any userpage things you think I should add, lmk. Reply
  • HEYYYYY! I took a break from making videos for the holidays, but I'm currently working on three vids now event though I'm kind of busy. One will certainly be posted this month. YAY!   Reply
  • OMG! It's literally been exactly 1 YEAR since I first uploaded a youtube video on my channel! It feels like it was recently too!   Reply
  • I've been making videos in a slower pace recently because I'm busy with school. It might become even slower because track starts soon. But on the good side, I'm working on a series for my channel! Reply
  • I'm finally active on videos again!    Next music video will hopefully be within this week. Reply

Visitors: 1893

  • DescriptionHi! It's Snowflake here! I'm just a teen that has a strong connection to the mystical life. Because I love the mystical realm, it's obvious that I love fairies. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel and blog! I also post stories on this userpage.
  • website
  • Hobbieswriting, arts and crafts, reading, making vids, dreaming, analyzing dreams, analyzing everything, astrology stuff, tarot, adventuring, running,
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentStar counting talent

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Ranking Pixie Hollow's Events 2021-09-13
Fly with you! Long time, no see! I thought I'd do a ranking on the events the original Pixie Hollow had. Before I get to this, here are a few thi ...
(1130) Views|(3) Comments
Spirit Prep Chapter 21 2018-11-23
I wasn't able to do the rewriting I should've done, but I still had a lot of fun writing this. Chapter 21-More Returns For the past ...
(1317) Views|(0) Comments
Spirit Prep Chapter Twenty 2018-11-10
Chapter Twenty-Curiosity may require discomfort Since the day I returned from break, I sat at Nora’s table during meals if there’s en ...
(1333) Views|(0) Comments
Spirit Prep Chapter Nineteen 2018-10-28
This is the beginning of part 4. Chapter Nineteen-A Shocking Return While many dread reentering school after a break, I have been looki ...
(1234) Views|(0) Comments
Spirit Prep Chapter Eighteen 2018-09-15
This is the final chapter of part 3. Chapter Eighteen-Strength is the Key   Just as my eyes open, I’m greeted by an e ...
(1264) Views|(1) Comments
Spirit Prep Chapter Seventeen 2018-09-01
  Chapter Seventeen-From anger to the unexpected One month later   Though the weather in the Core is usually the ...
(1241) Views|(0) Comments

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MoonChildPotter 2025-1-25 20:41
Hello my friend! Hoping you're okay. Saw you were active earlier and wanted to check in.
Dbushsjs 2024-5-30 18:19
I hope you're doing okay, I love your videos!
bbqueen2 2023-10-8 23:47
Hi! I came from your showcase post from 2016! You're a true veteran ✊
MoonChildPotter 2023-4-17 19:57
Just flitting by to say hey! Hope you're alright. Love re-reading your Pixie knowledge! :3
TheCuriousSeed 2021-4-26 09:42
   Welcome back!
RaeCollins 2019-12-31 10:43
Fuffeedoo1: I absolutely LOVE your page! I also love writing stories!
Thank you so much! :)
AzulLooona 2019-12-21 13:48
Fuffeedoo1: Fly with you! I absolutely love your page!
thank you! i made the my background myself ^^
AzulLooona 2019-12-21 07:23
Fuffeedoo1: Fly with you! I absolutely love your page!
thank you!
fairyrealms 2019-7-30 11:27
Your YouTube videos make me so nostalgic... you're doing great!
QuietSerenity 2019-6-22 01:55
Fuffeedoo1: Your page looks so relaxing!
Aw, thank you!  
DelicateDeer 2019-6-17 14:09
I just binged a bunch of your videos ♥
You know so much about Pixie Hollow that it's inspiring honestly. I wish I knew that much. Your videos are so informative! I love them so much ♪♫
peapod 2019-6-5 15:08
Fuffeedoo1: Welcome to FairyABC!
thank you !! ・゚☆✧
fashionstylist 2019-5-26 21:56
Fuffeedoo1: Love the music on your page!
Thank you! :)
SapphireGlitter 2019-4-20 17:15
Yes i was on the fashion spotlight! On the first pixie hollow! I think it was a year before the hollow closed but idk... It was the during the holidays I had on a red outfit! I remember being so happy that i was chosen! Thanks for liking my outfits! I love making outfits so it means a lot to me that you took time out of your busy day to tell me! Thanks From Your Friend Sapphire Glitterwish!
Rachshanin 2019-3-21 18:20
Fuffeedoo1: I'm glad I'm not the only one doing Pixie Hollow youtube videos! I also like writing.
DelicateDeer 2019-3-13 15:52
Hey Snowflake! Ever since I saw your post on the Disney Fairies websites, I keep finding myself researching them too! Here's one good source I found that I think your post skipped over:
Fyi, I love what you do for the Disney Fairies fanbase! Fly with you~
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