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No longer Homeless ;)
Pink_Panda 2016-12-10 12:58
So..It's been a few weeks now that I have finally gotten a home.It's surely very luxurious and bigger than the other homes.(heh heh)Even though it was great to finally not be homeless,I wish you guys would be able to see it as well.Well,to be honest,my decorating skills is not good so maybe it is be ...
1031 read|4 comments Hot 1
Flora 2016-12-9 16:25
so, THE pixxi hollow fashion show is up now, december. theme, christmas. Winner will be in my walla of fame. GOOD LUCK! PS, post your outfits to my wall, coment on meh wall then i will choose, at the end of the month will be the fashion show and 4 places winners.
5 read|0 comments
Classes. Busy,busy,busy.
Villiana 2016-12-8 18:03
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've posted a blog, and the reason for that is that I have been so busy with classes, that I am usually up until 10:45-11:00, just doing work. So when after I am done, I am so exhausted that usually, I fall asleep right after completing my work. I apologize for not ...
961 read|1 comments Hot 5
Oh My.
Malevolence 2016-12-1 20:23
Goodness, gracious! I feel absolutely terrible! I'm sick, and FairyABC just came back online. Currently trying to get into the game, but still stuck on the hour glass. It just keeps turning and turning and turning and turning. D: Anywho, nice to see you all! I'm also trying to develop a Southern Ac ...
230 read|0 comments
Day 1: The Fussy Carousel
Babydoll 2016-11-25 02:50
Dear Reader: Today is thursday, November 25th. Six days after my 20th birthday, I still can't realize how fast this year has passed. Faster than a solemn shooting star, as if it where escaping from us. Time, indeed, always tries to escape. It goes away from our hands like the sand out of our fingers ...
792 read|3 comments Hot 1
Getting ready for vacation... and Events!
Villiana 2016-11-23 17:24
Well, its not official but I might be able to take my PC!!! Which means I can come on here! If I can't then, sadly I will not be here at all. When I do come back I will make sure to alert you all that I am back from vacation. I am trying to do my best to attend all the events that are happening, lik ...
818 read|0 comments Hot 4
Milaagro 2016-11-19 02:32
279 read|0 comments
Woot, Thanksgiving is coming up!!! Going to miss you guys.. v_v
Villiana 2016-11-18 23:57
Finally Thanksgiving is coming up, so I will be on vacation, I don't know if I will be taking my PC with me. I will update you on that probably sometime during next week.. hopefully. Also, when I do leave the vacation is only for two days, so hopefully I won't miss anything too big. Oh and if I am t ...
784 read|0 comments Hot 5
Missed you guys!
Villiana 2016-11-17 19:28
I had been busy for a few days, since Thanksgiving is coming up, our family was getting prepared. How are you guys? Its been so long, I am going to try to come on daily, even with the busy schedule, I think I'll be able to mange.. hopefully. ^_^
717 read|0 comments Hot 3

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