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  • Space updated Sep 6, 2018. Reply
  • Space updated Apr 9, 2017. Reply
  • Space updated Jan 30, 2017. Reply
  • Some places, in the forum, are still unenglishilized. If possible, we hope them to be correctly Englishilized. Reply
  • Thanks for everyone's support. Account created successfully at 07:10 Oct 22, 2016 (UTC). Reply
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  • HobbiesIn-Game Name: Crystal Thunderflower
    Birth: 1997
    Major: Computer Science and Technology
  • Gendersecret
  • TalentAnimal talent

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A MFC Demo in C++ Using Multimedia Control 2017-11-01
// #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCDemo.h" #include ...
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CGTN Launch Dec 31, 2016 2017-06-01
Video by newsfileENTDEPT See also: CCTV ...
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【马服再见】美服X月X日更新简介:平衡改版,召唤吃黄白爆 2017-04-17
各位观众,晚上好。晚上好,今天是2017年X月X日 星期X,农历X月XX, 欢迎收看这次更新的简介。首先向您介绍一下这次更新的主要内容: 美服将于这次周二更新 ...
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[CASUAL] Some Linux OS Commands 2017-03-31
su root  Password:  pwd  ls -al  touch 123.txt  vi 123.txt  i test :wq  cat 123.txt  exit  &nb ...
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Java - First Android App By No.5972 2017-03-17 //passed at  Android Developer Tools  Build ...
(1734) Views|(0) Comments
Java - Hello World By No.5972 2017-03-17
import java.lang.System; public class hwmain {           /**      * @param args ...
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No.5972 2022-6-30 04:50
Twili~ 2017-5-13 13:22
I love your page! I love coding too! ^-^
Lavender-Marie 2017-4-6 19:36
I really like your page. Nice blog ;)
CozySpark 2017-2-3 16:59
No.5972: But remember, our music files would be much larger than picture files, this is the point that many sites limited the size of the file to upload. So we ...
Sure. Thanks a lot. ❤
CozySpark 2017-2-3 11:23
Thank you so much. I'll definitely try your ideas in adding music here in FABC tomorrow right after my class.  
LabsNotDabs✨ 2016-10-22 12:06
No.5972: Well. I am just new here. You see, I am not a native speaker, and my English may be not very good. Yes, I also would like to strength my diplomacy. Th ...
That's alright. English is a hard language to learn but you're doing quite well. As you're new, I think you deserve a welcome. :)
LabsNotDabs✨ 2016-10-22 12:01
No.5972: Hello. This is No.5972. And thank you for your support.
Hello. You're quite ominous.
LabsNotDabs✨ 2016-10-22 11:57
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Music Test
Free Block 1
Input text here.

  1. #include <stdio.h>

  2. void main() {

  3. printf("Hello World!\n");

  4. }
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- Translating Dungeon Fighter Online news. (From Official Site and Reddit, EN to CH, to Baidu Tieba, and COLG)

- This account of PH still on exploration stage

- Farming at CDNF (Chinese Dungeon & Fighter)

- Working as an administrator in DNF Meifu Bar, Baidu Tieba

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