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Autumn_Sun 2018-2-2 02:35
Your page design is Flitterific!!  Love the sparkle and sense of adventure
Venus 2018-2-1 02:06
Welcome to my friends list!! :)
Daisygarden 2018-1-29 11:03
ihaveausername: Just wanted to say I love your profile picture! Did you draw it? It's amazing!
Thank you!! ^.^ I actually didn't draw it, Jasper did! ;)
obsessionary 2018-1-27 18:40
ihaveausername: Your profile picture...same.
HAHAHA!! The ol' americana, eh?
Butterflies 2018-1-27 00:37
ihaveausername: Wow, I love your profile background!
Thank you so much! <3 I really like the stars on your page
WinterSparkle 2018-1-25 19:35
ihaveausername: Ooh I love your page design!
donkeyollie2004 2018-1-23 16:52
ooh u like doctor who too
PixieDelRey 2017-11-5 10:32
hi there! welcome to fairyabc! i'm melanie bubblecup. you might see me around the hollow and on the forums. you have quite a pun-ny username if i do say so myself, it's going to be nice to see you around the forums and in the hollow. anyways, i'm always open to talk to if you need help or just need a friend. if you have any questions, concerns, etc. please go to my page and either PM me or leave a message on my wall and i'd be ever so happy to help! make sure you look over the rules and if you have any problems with a player in game report them either in-game or in the report center. happy flying! i hope to fly with you! ♡ also cute profile pic lol
XxDawnxX 2017-11-5 02:55
love your profile pic
Lavender-Marie 2017-5-29 12:44
Welcome to FairyABC! If you ever need help or have questions, feel free to contact me (or any other mod/admin). In order to PM me, simply click my name and click "Send PM" under my profile picture on my page. If you require my assistance immediately and I'm not online, you can contact me at [email protected]. You can email me or use hangouts, I don't really care which. By the way, I'm just Lavender in the Hollow. I hope I can see you in-game :D
Rulgoma♥ 2017-5-28 14:13
Welcome to Fairyabc!

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