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About the quotes I post

Viewed 480 times2018-9-29 10:19

A little information, if you care, about the quotes I'm constantly posting. In 8th grade, I got absolutely sick of hearing people say ridiculous things. It happened a LOT and it just annoyed me. So I decided to begin listing all the stupid things everyone said in a quote book so I could blackmail them about it later. Then I realized that was a terrible idea and kind of mean so I redesigned the book into a sort of weird hobby. I collected enough quotes that year to fill an entire small notebook from Target, and even got a bunch of them listed in my school's yearbook (yes, we were one of those middle schools that had a yearbook. I know, I know.). Then I guess the hobby just never died and I kept writing. The end, I guess. Or the beginning- this is my story, after all, and who says I should ever stop writing it?

i don't care





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