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Cookies 2017-12-20 08:13
beanytomo: dang i just looked at ur visit count WOWZA
I forgot about my visit count for a second lol
~Stacey~ 2017-12-19 16:32
and oooo that profile thoo isso pretty  
~Stacey~ 2017-12-19 16:31
beanytomo: I havent been on here or ur page in ages I like the new look
aww thanks bb i miss you i'm busy these days so i always go to fairy abc when im not busy  
FigfigIsMyCity 2017-12-16 22:04
beanytomo: Woo! new episode is out!
Really? I gotta watch it tonight!!
LabsNotDabs✨ 2017-12-16 14:01
Thanks so much! ^.^
FigfigIsMyCity 2017-12-16 03:27
beanytomo: (wheeze)
You just made my day XD
pearlcuteshine 2017-12-16 00:41
beanytomo: OH MY GOSH UR PAGE!!!
ay! <3
SIA_18 2017-12-11 11:10
beanytomo: BOO
Villiana 2017-12-10 23:37
beanytomo: rip like ive already said all i can i dont wanna repeat it
Cookies 2017-12-10 18:01
final fantasy fanpage
Villiana 2017-12-10 15:21
beanytomo: same tho
like i never know who to wrap up things, its just like, how am i supposed to end it.
Villiana 2017-12-10 14:35
beanytomo: oh dear u can do it!
like, I'm reallly bad at conclusionsss, sadnesss.
Villiana 2017-12-10 14:10
beanytomo: thanks! u too
I still need to do my essay, gosh im procrastinating.. v_v
LooneyTunes♥ 2017-12-10 03:07
beanytomo: mee tooooo i keeo looking at my own header cuz omg noctis so cute
LOL XD Eye CanDy *-* :)(:
Villiana 2017-12-10 00:21
beanytomo: hands and will power
yaaas you go girl, good luck! <3
Villiana 2017-12-9 23:45
beanytomo: sadly no its foam core so no bend
oh my... that's sad,how do you plan on carrying it?
Villiana 2017-12-9 23:14
beanytomo: its not even a trifold its just one giant one rip me its gonna be a pain in the behind to carry it across campus
Oh.. Yikes... you could like maybe fold it when your carrying it?..
Villiana 2017-12-9 23:00
beanytomo: I hate essays, right now I'm working on a giant presentation board I hate cutting and gluing when it has to be perfect
ooo those boards, like trifolds, like it stands? and I've made one of those before, the struggle.
LooneyTunes♥ 2017-12-9 22:33
beanytomo: Ur WELC! and thank u bb it is indeed
;) ILYYY <333333
Villiana 2017-12-9 22:12
beanytomo: I have so much like I'm gonna be up all night fam
like i have an essay, and like i should do it, but like... meh.

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