Today in PE I was walking around the field like we do every Tuesday, when this girl randomly comes up to me, wraps her arm around mine, and hugs me. She's all like "I LOVE U HONEY" and I am surprised. This continues for about a minute until I finally wriggle my arm away from hers and get away. She t ...
I know it's August and it's a little early for this... but I wanted to make this. 1-BEYBLADER (yeah I'm into Beyblade) Materials: Hoodie, jacket, or vest (any color, preferably a darker one) T-Shirt with basic design (goes with top layer) Pants/shorts (NOT like these:https://slimages.macysass ...
I woke up, yawning, as I stretched my arms above my head, ready for a long day, not knowing it would end early. I got dressed in my plain black garb, and flew straight to work. I was a flower talent, and my job was to catch blowing petals in the wind. I had no coworkers because I didn't need them. ...