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  • DescriptionHi! I'm Ella Littlebee on Pixie Hollow, feel free to add me (=^_^=)
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  • GenderFemale
  • TalentAnimal talent

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TheCuriousSeed 2021-8-7 21:16
Elyssium: OMG sorry, I just logged in and saw this!! >.< yeah, right? it's kinda ~rEtRo~ though, hahaha   
Hey, a FairyABC pixie's gotta do what a FairyABC pixie's gotta do.
TheCuriousSeed 2021-4-28 08:03
Honestly, your page reminds me of when my customisation options were super limited because I had that "Change Avatar" glitch for roughly the first ten months, including the almost three I was absent. Way to still make it work.
stale2cupcakes 2021-2-10 06:30
Elyssium: Your Totally Spies pfp, thooo      
Haha Sam is hottt
Elyssium 2021-2-9 15:29
So my whole page got restored and my customization is gone, I'm not even bothering to put everything again lol sorry for the uglyness </3
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