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Olivia [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] "It takes great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still love it."

  • DescriptionJust a girl in her 20s.
    I like sleepless nights, strong coffee and dark chocolate.
  • HobbiesEverything true crime
    Romance books slap tbh
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentSpiderweb untangling talent

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hedgehug 2022-6-24 13:19
Your page is so pretty!
Crystal2780!! 2021-8-7 16:28
I know you have been here for a few weeks, yet I'd still like to welcome you to the site.
Welcome To // Never Land!!  If you have any questions and//or concerns, please feel free to contact one of the available staff members.  I recommend Karma Moonfields, Sir Jasper, and Lady Su.  See you in Pixie Hollow!!
bbqueen2 2021-7-30 14:46
Hi! I know this is super late but I saw your message and I wanted to say welcome to fairyabc! I love your home page! I'm not online very often, but if we are ever online at the same time, I'll drop in to say hello!
LittleRoses297 2021-4-24 00:32
Wow, you changed your page! It looks lovely! I especially love the cute little mushroom trees on the margin!! The commitment to the purple theme makes it all fit together even better. You must have put a lot of thought into this. The result is beautiful! <3
Elyssium 2021-2-10 14:51
stale2cupcakes: Haha Sam is hottt
Yeah, she was my favorite!!
Elyssium 2021-2-8 12:49
Your Totally Spies pfp, thooo    
TheCuriousSeed 2021-1-29 15:23
Whoa... the stars... so mesmerising.  
mousefaery 2021-1-1 01:23
stale2cupcakes: Your page is really cute !
thank you! and thank you for being my first friend!
LittleRoses297 2020-12-6 23:05
stale2cupcakes: Hiiii you seem so cute! I saw your message w/ the friend request but I didn't know how to answer it lol.Let's chat sometime!   
Wow, thank you so much for the compliments! You brightened my  day! I'm glad to call you a fairy friend, and I would love to chat anytime!  :)
MoonChildPotter 2020-11-22 23:16
Welcome to FairyABC! Happy to see another OG PH fairy still flitting about! Hope to see you in game soon. I'm Moonsprite in game but I go by Moon.
~ XO Moon
SapphireGlitter 2020-11-20 14:42
Hi welcome to Fairyabc! Want to be friends?
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