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Lauren09231566's/ Icelakes spa ... [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS]


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  • DescriptionIm weird and socially awkward and once you get to know me im super annoying. I'm a major coffee person, I literally drink it all day *^* My birthday is 11/23 and im also from og ph :3 my name there was also Icelake/Icy! DISCORD: ThatAlienLauren12#0249
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  • HobbiesI love playing video games and drawing and binge watching netflix PLAYING ANIMAL CROSSING *-*
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentWater talent

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Vampire Knight
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brockcopperbell 2021-8-7 04:03
Lauren09231566: Helloooo!
LittleRoses297 2021-4-24 01:10
Lauren09231566: Thank you so much! It took me awhile xD and yesss the header is tokyo ghoul :3 and i thought the chibi neko girl on the edges was cute ^-^
Cool! Thanks for the info!!
And I totally agree the chibi Neko girl is super cute!! :)
Nissa 2021-2-10 00:15
Love your page!
Celestialberry 2021-1-22 21:21
omg, your page is so cool!!! <3 I love all the gifs and the anime aesthetic!
brockcopperbell 2021-1-18 05:57
Lauren09231566: Helloooo!
hello! thanks for visiting my page.
LittleRoses297 2021-1-17 15:54
WOW! Icy, You changed your page!!!  It looks really cool! I don't know many anime, yet, but I know the header is from a famous one. I love the Chibi cat girl on the edges!! <3 How long did this take you?
LittleRoses297 2020-12-7 01:08
Happy Late Birthday, Icy!!!
Lavender-Marie 2017-3-12 16:04
Welcome to FairyABC! :D
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  • I finally got my page pretty! with some of my favorite animes :3 tokyo ghoul and soul eater! Yay! Reply
  • hellooooo :) Reply
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