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The Batcave (but opal) [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] uh oh! my wings are frozen!

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Serendipity129 2022-9-13 18:59
Today, I finally acknowledge the goodness of your art! Gotta love those dimples.
TheCuriousSeed 2022-6-2 13:31
Looks like you drew a new avatar! Looks cheery!
PineNeedles 2022-2-14 20:12
OpalFrozenberry: Do you sell any cookies in this bakery? XD
-hides cookie jar- W-what cookies?! There's no cookies here!
LittleRoses297 2021-9-23 14:22
Hi, Opal! I love your page design, and the fact the it matches your fairy makes it just that much better! Personally, I love the colour palette as well with the peachy orange and strawberry/raspberry pink. It gives a very sweet and warm vibe. Simplistic yet also full of it!! <3
Wow, just noticed that it looks like your fairy's wearing opals as her earrings and necklace! Truly beautiful details! :D
Serendipity129 2021-9-20 21:23
I love your art and color scheme, Opal! I'm Jimin, by the way. Lovely to meet you.
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  • DescriptionUh oh! My wings are frozen!
  • website
  • HobbiesAnimating, illustrating, dance, cheer, speedround-ing
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentArt talent
    Frost talent

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    No Albums yet

thanks for flying by! <3

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