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  • It's been so long. I'm happy to see this place still going strong ^^ I just log in randomly to check up on any new updates and some friends I've made. Oh, I'm still shy to talk in the Hollow it seems. Reply
  • i wonder if any of my fairyabc friends are still active or at least still visit occasionally here... i'm still here... Reply
  • i'm sorry for being dead here, ahah. life's been busy and stressful and kind of sad for me lately. i will try to be more active now. what new things have happened here since i was gone? Reply
  • that feel when you're too shy to talk to anyone in the hollow Reply
  • Oooh boy... It is December 22... Also known as my birthday... But I still will always be a child at heart cx Reply
  • i'm going to write a bunch of info of my fairy in my blogs soon. like, a story about her daily life, a detailed personality, and all that. stay tuned~ Reply
  • I want to post my fairy cosplaying as this anime game character named Celestia Ludenberg in a thread... buuuut it's honestly not that good ;w; Reply
  • I can't wait till the Steam Halloween Sale/Black Friday Sale.. I want to buy the Danganronpa games soooo bad Reply
  • I want to start doing voice acting.. Reply
  • Now my school is canceled from all this air pollution.. Oh boy. The smell of smoke from all the fire around my area is so bad right now. I think I'll write a blog about this.. Reply
  • There is a fire going on in my area right now and we can still smell the smoke of the fire in five different cities.. I'm surprised that my school isn't canceled from all this smell V_v Reply
  • I made my second speedpaint video~ Reply
  • I just volunteered at the animal shelter~ I can't wait for my orientation tomorrow ^-^ Finally, I get to be around cats since I'm not allowed to have cats in my house since my mom dislikes cats ;w; Reply
  • I like how the answer for the Challenge today is my favorite flower xD Reply
  • I think I'm going to get back into writing. My imagination has been pretty active lately and there are some things doing on in my life that I want to reflect through my writing. ^^ Reply
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skittlepants8 2024-1-15 01:22
hiiiii, i hope you're doing wellllll!!!
Lauren09231566 2021-1-15 16:08
Hellooo! im active :3 <3
skittlepants8 2018-7-29 17:18
h..hewwo! its been a long time and im backk
Nelly2024 2018-6-26 11:17
really pretty page
Twili~ 2018-2-26 02:10
Hey <3
Long time no see!
Butterflies 2018-2-11 11:06
CelestialNebby: Thank you so much, I tried haha <3
Lol, you're welcome!
Butterflies 2018-2-10 14:52
I absolutely Love your page! It's Amazing!<3
StarNova11 2018-2-5 17:15
Plz comment on my page how to get a gif on it!!!!!!
SAIL0RSATURN 2017-12-22 23:29
CelestialNebby: Aaaah, thank you <3 ^-^ And I love the Maki doing sit ups in your profile, oml x3
thANK you ^^ tried to find a cuter gif for maki but couldnt;;
SAIL0RSATURN 2017-12-21 08:29
your profile is so cute oml <3 i love it
SAIL0RSATURN 2017-12-20 10:04
CelestialNebby: MAKI ROLLLL

I ship Kaito and Maki so hard ;u;
OMG SAME ; A; have you played the games btw? gosh i want to but sadly im broke
SAIL0RSATURN 2017-12-13 08:47
CelestialNebby: HARUMAKIIIII
PixieDelRey 2017-10-31 16:28
happy halloween! your page is so cute kjnknjhbjg
Fuffeedoo1 2017-10-20 06:33
CelestialNebby: Aaah, thank you!! <33 ^-^ AND YEAH BOOIIII i wonder if people find me weird that I like to eat ice cream in the winter xD Also, I am also a Capricorn  ...
OMG! That's so awesome!!!!!!! I thought I was weird too!
Fuffeedoo1 2017-10-19 15:58
I love your page! I also love analyzing my dreams and eating ice cream during the winter!
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  • DescriptionHiiii ^-^ If you'd like to find me in the hollow, my name is Celeste Sugardust!! I mainly go in crowded servers ^^ Even though I'm too shy to talk to anyone ahah. Also, my avatar was made by HelenTheFairy on here!!
  • website
  • HobbiesUsing the internet, drawing, taking photos, playing video games, collecting plushies, walking my dog around my foresty mountain home, drinking hot chocolate with ghosts, fishing for mermaids, invading alien headquarters, eating cheese made from the moon, analyzing my dreams, eating ice cream during wintertime, sleeping under willow trees, devouring junk food, petting animals, making friends with friendly neighborhood cats, being timid... Y'know, stuff regular teenagers do.
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentArt talent
    Winter talent

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╳ about ╳
♥Celly/Nebby/Snowi || She/Her || INFP-T || SHSL Dandere♥

Hello ^-^ I'm just your friendly neighborhood alien ghost cat who has very many obsessions. And I mean VERY MANY obsessions.

I have social anxiety, so I don't really like to talk unless someone talks to me first ;w;  I'm very polite, so please don't be afraid of me  ^-^  I'm just a lonely ghost who just wants friends.

Fandom list: Steven Universe, Invader Zim, Miraculous Ladybug, Undertale, Pokémon, Mystic Messenger, Splatoon, Yokai Watch, Danganronpa, Kimi Ga Shine, Madoka Magica, Black Rock Shooter, Osomatsu-San, TØP, Fall Out Boy, etc.

I am absolutely crazy about memes, plushies, gems, junk food, bubble tea, hot chocolate, space, clouds, thunderstorms, oceans, gaming, mythical creatures, cryptids, ghosts, aliens, scary stories, stories about demons and angels falling in love, and astrology♥

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~Introduction~ 2017-09-17
This... is incredibly late xD  No, I'm not new here, I've joined this place back in October 7, 2016 x3  I've just been slacking on an intro ...
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╳ cute little night stalkers~ ╳
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