Edited by MistyLove20 at 2022-1-31 00:20
When the flowers look a little droopy,
The day is going a bit awry, no cloud in the sky
When the ponds are a little low, and the dew is not decorating their homely leaves like a bow,
What can be done to help in these dreary days?
A wonderful Water Talent, will show you the way,
From flying high in the sky and bringing forth clouds to their callings,
To using their power to make dewdrops decorate the spiderwebs like a dewy clear flower.
Their work seems tedious to most, but to them it's a beautiful way of helping others in need
From fish having problems getting upstream, to a little duck lost from it's thick reeds.
From the Mainland to the Neverland, a Water Talent always tries to lend a helping hand.
No task is too small or great, even checking all the waters to make sure they're safe for all to enjoy.
Thank you all Water Talents  