Edited by RedRoseDay at 2018-5-28 09:05
I would like everyone to feel included in this process of saving fairyabc even though they did not donate. I know that if a lot of had a say in if the old Hollow was going to shut down or not we would have spoken up in a kind way. Maybe the pixies who give moral support and want to be more involved in the creation of the site can have a special time each month or every three months or so, to vote on improvements to the site that will be put into place in an update. They could be given a badge for their input. A possible coin reward could be given after they have been participating in "x" amount of voting.
Another idea might be have a forum titled creative workshop, where supporters can create their own polls. Every so often someone can gather the information given from each poll, make an announcement about what gaols can be reached in a certain amount of time. These votes could focus on small development changes or art design choices for a refreshed look to the site overall (I'm not trying to imply that this site is dated in any way, just giving you an idea). The goal here is to share small ideas for change. A little thought can go a long way! 
This entire goal of mine to make the supporters distinct from those who donated might cause tension among this fairy community and so that is a drawback. And the forum already allows everyone to share their ideas equally. Plus so many of you are busy working on improving the site and have your own lives outside of the Hollow to take care of, I do not want to put undue stress on anyone. With that being said, I do believe that making a caring and special space for those who give moral support could raise morale for everyone. This could happen by putting into action thsi special space or another idea instead of only saying "thank you" and leaving it at that. I do not want the possiblily of not taking actioin to be a reason why there are poeple leaving the site or causing an upset/becoming banned.
I am happy to talk about what might be done to keep and grow this community's togetherness. Thanks for reading this long post. Sorry for any incorrect grammer I did not notice.  |