Way back in may, I got bored one day and made possible outfits for my pixie's different jobs.
All of these outfits are in 2.0, so i can get cooler accessories.
 For Violet's water-talent look: The main, what i consider, "marketing" colors of the water talents is silvermist blue and bluebell blue. Sometimes the other blue is replaced with either raindrop blue or marina blue. But girl, Silvermist's getting royalities from this  . I went with a tiedye top and a long skirt. And nearly all accessories were redyed in a way to kiiinda look like drops of water, lapis lazuli, and netting. Idk why past me went with silly band anklets bro. And basic flats that she can just chuck off anytime, because why not.
 For Lizzie's barista talent look: This outfit pulls double duty, bc I keep forgetting if she's JUST a barista, or is a storyteller talent. Old hollow rules run with the "every fairy has only 1 talent," but i run with something a little different. One is their "first" talent, the one they get from the pixie dust tree. Its the one their most skilled with, but they can TRY and learn different talents! Their success in mastering it though, would take much longer then the talent given/chosen. So Lizzie could try and be both, but she's much more well known for her drink-making. Bag's full of tea blends, coffee grounds, a few journals, and whatever else can be used for drinks. Her shirt would be more slouchy irl, and her arm jewelry is supposed to give smart watch vibes.
 For Elma's fast-flying look: Again, Vidia's getting royalities for EVERY special event look or uniform, lol. I mixed her purple with Eggplant purple, and i forgot what shade of green. Their uniform would be very tight, giving a sportswear vibe due to the strong winds they make. So bermuda shorts, a nice tank top, and a bandana for style. She still wears her metallic hairclip & earring set though, she feels naked without them! She has about a 100 different recolors of those accessories, for about every occasion.
 For Silver's Baking talent look: I keeep forgetting what her exact talent is, all I got is that she's SOME kind of culinary talent. I forget if the name of hers came after the skin tone, or before. Either way, she dresses primarily in blacks and blues, With midnight blue and diamond blue being her most worn colors. She dresses fancy for her job juuust in case she needs to be up front instead. So nice heels, long pants, a turtleneck, and a flowery apron. The headband makes her a walking sample...why would she wear that, its a kitchen hazard D:. It s gonna drop in the soup!
 For Zak's garden talent look: He COULD have went Rosetta red, but by the time I got his looks down his color became Dianthus red. And i tried to mix both of the reds together in an earlier version of this outfit...no. It didn't work. He primarily works with trees and fruit, so hes gotta have stuff on his joints to let him work in peace. Assume he's got soft kneepads under there or something. OMG I FORGOT A BELT, like, a big CHUNKY belt for things to be in and on. And those boots are really soft, like mango skin.