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Catherine's Cartoons [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] Cartoon Fan; Wolf, Fox and Animal Lover


AnastasiaASab(UID: 89467)

  • Space visits131
  • Email statusnot verified
  • DescriptionHi! My name's Catherine and I'm sort of new here...
    I'm really trying to make new friends so please be one
    I have two fairies, but the one on my pfp is the main one.
    Favorite Color(s)- Black, Teal, Dark Pink-ish.
    Fairy- Daisy Orangesky
  • websitehttp://
  • HobbiesArt, Watching YT, Cartoons, Drawing.
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentAnimal talent

Active profile

  • Online Time11 Hours
  • Arrival day2021-9-28 01:51
  • Last visit time2023-7-7 06:27
  • Last activity time2023-7-7 06:25
  • Last post time2023-7-7 06:29
  • Time offsetThe system default


  • Used Space314 KB
  • Points73
  • coins114
  • loyality69
  • contribution0
  • Never silver50

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