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Didn't get far on my next chapter but edited a few of the previous ones... Baby steps... ^_^

Active profile

  • User group: Minister
  • Arrival day: 2017-2-17 21:47
  • Last visit time: 2024-7-19 17:46
  • Last activity time: 2024-7-19 17:46
  • Last post time: 2024-7-19 17:52
  • Last sendmail time: 0
  • Time offset: (GMT -07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada), Arizona
  • Space visits: 2087
  • Friends: 175
  • Posts: 545
  • Threads: 22
  • Featured: 0
  • Activities: 8
  • Blogs: 4
  • Albums: 4
  • Shares: 0
  • Used Space: 14.7 MB
  • Points: 6617
  • coins: 3047221
  • loyality: 5748
  • contribution: 124
  • Never silver: 1079
  • Buyer rating: 0
  • 卖家信用: 0


minister   Guardians  

Please became my friend, and you can know my surrent interests and communicate with me. Feel free to contact me.

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