Jasper: Miss you dear!!
Jasper: We're so glad to have you!
Jasper: Abi... You are in my heart too. In a creepy way.
Jasper: I believe you meant to say.. Waking up in Red Ouch! Water
Jasper: Jingles, if I can't have him... I might just dye my clothes, it would make no difference...
Jasper: Fabc isn't the same without you ♥
Jasper: *cat voice* Well Hi....
Jasper: Hi Kim! I can't remember if I've seen you at FCF before, but would love to see you there this Friday! Fly with you!
Jasper: Well Howdy There JulieTrouble OMG I JUST MADE THAT UP IM CRYING
Jasper: love u queen ♥
Jasper: Lynn, we would Neverdew anything without you!
Jasper: insert peanut emoji
Jasper: hope you're doing well dear!!
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