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Crystal Shinyheart, Scribe [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] There shall always be a door to the Light.


Crystal2780!!(UID: 4565)

  • Space visits3657
  • Email statusverified
  • New Activities  In addition to, I make music videos (mostly KH ones), tell stories on, and watch shows and movies.  I also play select video games, draw (sometimes), & tell more stories!! ...
  • Custom title  Storytelling Specialist!!
  • DescriptionI am a Storytelling Specialist and a Keyblader, mainly thanks to my loyalty to, appreciation for, and comprehension of all the work Disney has done over the years. I dream of working for Disney someday.
  • website
  • HobbiesStorytelling, Drawing, Serving The LORD, LEGOs, Playing Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Having Fun
  • TalentStorytelling talent



Active profile

  • Online Time1331 Hours
  • Arrival day2017-1-3 10:03
  • Last visit time2024-7-23 08:38
  • Last activity time2024-7-23 08:38
  • Last post time2024-7-18 01:43
  • Time offset(GMT -04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz


  • Used Space126 MB
  • Points9606
  • coins2
  • loyality8713
  • contribution31
  • Never silver1928

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