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Jasper 2018-2-4 16:22
Your page update is great, hope you are doing well :)
GloriFields 2018-2-4 15:03
I like your page~ ❆
Jazzy 2018-2-3 17:23
-Autumn-: Your page looks l i t
Yess bb thank. I love that Peppa Pig gif it's hilarious and gives me life just like your friendship I miss u and love u
-Autumn- 2018-2-3 12:58
That's amazing Abi! What an amazing story. I hope you get to go to film school soon!
Basically, I got into the series because I've always been a book worm. I believe I read the whole Narnia series when I was in elementary/middle school, but I haven't read it since :( Also, my mom loved the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie so we would always watch it!

Blue_Hiraeth 2018-2-3 03:27
-Autumn-: I'm assuming you enjoy the whole Narnia series? :)
Yes! My dad read the books to me and my sisters IRL when we were younger. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is my 2nd favorite movie of all time (behind Star Wars). For Christmas in 2007 I got this behind the scenes book about the movie and it got me hooked on movie making and ever since then that's what I've wanted to do as my job. Right now my health issues are keeping me at home but when I get better I'm planning on applying to a film school :) How about yourself? How did you get into the series?
Blue_Hiraeth 2018-2-3 00:52
-Autumn-: Hey Abi! It was so nice meeting you tonight :) You are so crazy kind with a beautiful soul. I just read your bio and I'm praying for you and your heal ...
Awww I'm blushing and smiling so much reading this <3333 Thank you so much that means the world to me <3 Aw ty! Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus is my favorite soundtrack in the entire universe - it's basically the sound of my childhood. Yaaas! Owl City <3 Fireflies is my favorite song ever. Oooo I love your page!!!! Aw your cover pic <3 <3 and Eustace Scrubb!!!
smallapple403 2018-1-30 20:38
-Autumn-: Gurllll where have you beeenn
i been super busyyyy how are yaaaa
catcatherine 2018-1-30 19:28
-Autumn-: School work, volunteering, and hanging out with friends! I've been really productive lately. I'm even exercising xD
gosh xP you been busy <3 dat's good though!
catcatherine 2018-1-30 10:29
-Autumn-: Well I'm glad y'all ended on a good note :) What have you been up to?
yweah ^-^
I just been doing nuffing tbh, hbu?
catcatherine 2018-1-29 15:06
-Autumn-: Haha, aww! Why thank you :3 How are you and your boyfriend?
you welcome <33
we just friends now ^-^ but it's okay because I just been too busy for a relationship
catcatherine 2018-1-26 00:54
-Autumn-: Nahh I actually really enjoy school xD I'm in really interesting classes right now. And yes! haha. We are still happily together.
dat's good xP most people (like me) don't so usually it's a bad thing
catcatherine 2018-1-25 22:08
-Autumn-: Good! Classes just started back up so I'm getting into the swing on thingss
Dat sucks ); are you and your bf still adorable as ever ^-^
catcatherine 2018-1-24 09:33
-Autumn-: Oh hi!! Miss you too :) How are you?
hwiii, I okaiz, hbu?
catcatherine 2018-1-21 20:03
miss you babe, hope you're well <3
Dresses24 2018-1-16 17:53
cute pagee
Lavender-Marie 2018-1-14 22:51
hellooooo <3
Memm 2018-1-1 07:59
Happy New Year Autumn! <333333333333
XxDawnxX 2017-12-21 02:06
your space is really cozy, i love it (:
FloraSeastone 2017-12-4 02:05
Doesn't it?? It's kind of like a mix between those trendy restaurants that only serve cereal and a hip cafe.
FloraSeastone 2017-11-30 01:51
-Autumn-: Yeah! I had a honey nut latte recently and it was like having honey nut cheerios in coffee form!!
Whaaa? That's wild. And genius. It's cereal . . . but caffeinated, for grownups!
I wonder if that would work well with other cereals? Maybe Cinnamon Toast Crunch?  

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