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Blue Hiraeth [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] A wistful deep longing for a place that is no longer and perhaps never was.


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Jasper 2018-3-6 00:18
Blue_Hiraeth: Ooo I'll have to look those up. Unfortunately I can't use markers on my skin anymore because of my medical issues, something in the ink can trigger th ...
Awww man that's a bummer :( but hey, you get to spread art to other people and that's great <3 In high school, people would always want me to draw on their hands, but that was back when I only used sharpie so RIP them. And YES art can be made with almost anything. I even used to go outside and paint little temporary pictures on blocks of wood with paintbrushes that I'd dip in water. The beauty of art <3
Jasper 2018-3-5 23:56
Blue_Hiraeth: Haha, hey but your signature skillz were amaze like 100/10. Have you ever used prismacolor pencils? They're the only colored pencils I can work with b ...
Oh my gosh - I used to think Sharpie was the best for skin tattoos until I got my set of Uni-Ball Onyx micros. I would describe them as art pens with the price and appearance of regular office pens. They go on skin EXTREMELY smooth, and are spectacular on paper too! Do recommend. And I actually drew in MS Paint with my laptop's mouse pad for probably a little under 10 years. The drawing in this thread: was actually done that way - so I've been drawing with a tablet for a relatively short time. It might not be very good, but it goes to show that fancy tools aren't always necessary.
Cookies 2018-3-5 23:09
abi, you're literally a sweetheart
Jasper 2018-3-5 23:08
Blue_Hiraeth: It was so much fun! I'd never played it before, at least not that version, I've played a similar IRL game though. It's such a fun idea to make an inte ...
It reminds me of Pictionary, which I've played with my family a bunch. It is well programmed, except for the fact that I can't use my art tablet with it cause the line doesn't stop once you put your pen down. So I'm stuck with using my mouse pad XDD
Rosesandstars8 2018-3-5 22:34
your welcome!
Jasper 2018-3-5 22:19
Blue_Hiraeth: Hi <333 So sorry I had to get off after the drawing game was over, I had so much fun and wish I could've stayed on longer but I had to take meds RIP I ...
I hope so!! That game is so much fun, I am a little addicted to it and I think the others are too. XD And hey it's fine, we all understand <3
Rosesandstars8 2018-3-5 19:09
hope you feel better abi
Jasper 2018-3-5 03:23
Hello my beautiful friend hope you are doing well <3
LooneyTunes♥ 2018-2-27 22:46
Blue_Hiraeth: Well this is my last container of the elemental powder for now so I'm hoping that forces us to figure out something better so we don't have to order m ...
RIP TO THE $$$$$ and NP/ILYM BABE <3
LooneyTunes♥ 2018-2-27 00:08
Blue_Hiraeth: Ugh go kick school's butt okay!? <333 lolol I feel like I'm dying RIP D: oh well though :P Almost through 3 days of this elemental diet though so half ...
o my jeSUS, i cant imagine wt ur going through babe, i legit can't wait till the docs find something 10000x's more better then the elemental diet. AND OOOOF the vertigo thing sounds a w e f u l. My fam still praying for u as always <3 and tbh i told u b4 and i'll tell u again u r a true hero and im VERYY proud to have a frand like u <333333 tank u for existing tbh xD ik it's cheesy but it's tru LOL. Hope ur tum get to feeling normal REAL soon <3333 KEEP ME UPDATED YIGFBEOCS
LooneyTunes♥ 2018-2-26 22:06
Blue_Hiraeth: HIIIIIIII <333333333 How are u doing? <3
IM  E E H H school has me BOOKED 4 LIFE RIP, HOW R U THO?
LooneyTunes♥ 2018-2-26 19:46
HI BABE <333333333
Butterflies 2018-2-17 18:48
Blue_Hiraeth: Aw thank you <333 I l<3ve the butterflies on your page!!!! The colors are gorgeous :O
Thank you so much<3!
Butterflies 2018-2-17 15:08
I love your page! The water in the background is very peaceful!<3
zance 2018-2-10 01:01
Blue_Hiraeth: Yeah Dawn Treader unfortunately was the furthest from the books and the least successful of the 3. Lion, Witch, & Wardrobe is literally the best book  ...
The battle scene lives on as one of my all time favourite movie scenes.
zance 2018-2-10 00:36
Blue_Hiraeth: Yaaaaas Ben Barnes is awesome :) Though it's really funny - he has like this insanely thick accent in Prince Caspian and then in Dawn Treader it almos ...
Ahh what?! If I ever noticed that, I forgot! I didn't really like Dawn Treader, though.
zance 2018-2-10 00:12
Blue_Hiraeth: :O :O I didn't even realize!!! Yas A Narnia lullaby <3 <3 I love that song!!! The Narnia series is my heart and soul <3 The Lion, The Witch, & The War ...
I used to have a minor obsession with Caspian, haha!
zance 2018-2-9 23:28
I just realised we both have Narnia music on our pages right now! Love that series!
-Autumn- 2018-2-3 01:35
Blue_Hiraeth: Awww I'm blushing and smiling so much reading this <3333 Thank you so much that means the world to me <3 Aw ty! Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus is my favorite s ...
I'm assuming you enjoy the whole Narnia series? :)
-Autumn- 2018-2-2 23:32
Hey Abi! It was so nice meeting you tonight :) You are so crazy kind with a beautiful soul. I just read your bio and I'm praying for you and your health!! I'm so glad this is a safe place for you.

P.S. Your music playlist is AWESOME!! Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus is very "Pixie Hollowesque" and well, Owl City is amazing.

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