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DewDew's Bubbles [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] Try to not get your wings wet!


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Dresses24 2017-4-22 17:41
Dewdropcx: Thank chuuu :*
its so pretty ;a;
Daisygarden 2017-4-17 09:50
Dewdropcx: Thank chuu :*
You're so welcome!! :D Have an amazing day!
smallapple403 2017-4-17 09:01
Dewdropcx: When you go to the DIY thing and then go to Custom and go to Content Area - or whatever its called and instead of colors choose transparent on the col ...
Oooh lol rn I'm on my phone but when I get in meh laptop I'll try it Hehehehe thankss
smallapple403 2017-4-17 08:26
Dewdropcx: Thanks xD
omggg how did u do the transparent background thingy xDD sorry idk whats it called
smallapple403 2017-4-17 08:14
omg ajsdfljsdlj ur page is so pretaeee >.<
Daisygarden 2017-4-16 16:55
Wow, cute page!! ^.^
Lavender-Marie 2017-4-16 14:21
Dewdropcx: three actually lmao xD
esdrtfvgbh you have a problem XD (jk i have 3 accounts I'm problematic too)
Lavender-Marie 2017-4-16 13:22
Dewdropcx: Thanks Lava its Juni xD
So is this account #2? xD
Lavender-Marie 2017-4-16 12:57
I love your mermaid theme <3
MissPrensses 2017-4-16 10:19
Dewdropcx: Thanks ;)
your welcome
MissPrensses 2017-4-16 08:48
Cool page!
Dresses24 2017-3-19 22:21
omg your page is amazingg wahhh lol so pretty I love it so much heh

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