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JeonJakook 2018-3-3 20:07
Hi :)
아도라 2018-2-26 03:16
I just stopped by to check up on you. I hope you're doing alright! We miss you here.
donkeyollie2004 2018-2-8 11:06
you say you're back but i havent seen ya
lunagrace 2018-1-30 00:39
King: Oh hi there- Checkin' up on people.  { K~}
hey there King  
louiselouisa 2018-1-28 18:10
King: Oh lavender is a nice scent. How are you? Just checking up. { K~}
I'm doing good, thanks! How are you?
Jasper 2018-1-27 03:43
King: What up- Back from a hiatus (⌐■_■)ノ. i hope you have a wonderful day.
Welcome back aboard! I hope you had a wonderful day as well.
Cookies 2018-1-27 03:19
King: Checking up on people- Have a delightful day.
Hoi o/
Long time no see!
Michal 2018-1-26 16:54
King: What up michal- Still alive? I guess i am.  { K~}
ayooo! i miss seeing you in the hollow ;-; i hope youll come on sometime soon!
donkeyollie2004 2018-1-26 10:35
King: Hello, Yeah it's not Christmas- It's a regular day. Happy 2018.    { K~ }
donkeyollie2004 2018-1-10 11:12
yo its not christmas anymore
XxDawnxX 2017-12-21 23:12
ooh i like your header. very classy c;
아도라 2017-12-19 14:51
King: No problem, I'm just chilling like a freezer- busy with the holidays and all. Glad you are doing well, Hopefully, I'll see you around.
Ah, I hope you find some time to relax! I hope to see you around, too.
아도라 2017-12-18 19:22
King: Halo- how are you?
I am so sorry for the late response!
I'm doing well, thank you so much for asking. ♡ How about yourself? Is everything alright with you?
Pumpkin 2017-12-13 08:19
King: Hey, what's up- dropping a hello.
Hey King, I hope you're having a great day.
angelation 2017-12-13 02:48
King: Yeah, I think more people are starting to be online because of winter break. Hope you're having a nice week .
Yeah, it's nice to see more people. And thanks, you too!
angelation 2017-12-13 02:25
King: Dropping by to say hello hello, also I am currently high-level procrastinating ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬.
Hey! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Same here tbh. Procrastinating is a terrible habit of mine... but it's so fun. It's almost winter break for most people anyway I think, so.
Meiji 2017-12-12 19:30
King: I'm busy with the holidays up around this month, decorating and what not. Besides that doing just fine thank you for asking.
No problem, hope your holidays are happy and safe!
Meiji 2017-12-12 18:57
King: Halo Hallo just checking up on friends~ how are you?
Hi hi! I'm good, albeit busy! Seems a lot has happened while I was gone. How are you, how are things?
Michal 2017-12-12 16:45
King: Halo- what's up Michal? Also nice colorful page choice space makes me think.
ellooo :3 and thank
donkeyollie2004 2017-12-12 15:39
u should come on im all lonely

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